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Seasonal Updates

Fall 2024

  1. As we enter the Fall season, please note the following updates and reminders:
    Please use 4WD. When we ride up in 2WD we exacerbate the washboard
    ridges on our roads.
  2. Slow down and drive the speed limit…including our side-by-sides and ATVs.
    When we exceed the 15mph speed limit we exacerbate the washboard ridges
    on our roads.
  3. HOA seasonal road repairs are underway. Private roads are the highest priority.
    We are fixing drainage issues (culverts, roadside ditches) at select locations to
    improve water flow through our roads system.
  4. Several new homes are under construction currently. Construction vehicles, heavy equipment and trucks are traveling our roads daily. Slow down and be cautious.
  5. If we encounter two-way traffic and someone needs to pull over, remember the
    vehicle coming up the hill has the right-of-way.
  6. The HOA does not have authority to enforce traffic laws on the mountain. If we
    encounter a vehicle parked in and/or blocking the roadway (construction or
    visitors) please call the sheriff at 435-867-7550 immediately so they can
    respond and issue a citation.
  7. Fall weather can be very unpredictable, so error on the side of caution. Outdoor fire pits require spark arrestor covers and all other open camp fires are prohibited.
  8. It is our responsibility to fully inform all visitors (friends, family, business) of
    these reminders to ensure they enjoy our community safely
  9. Do not call or expect the HOA Board to provide emergency roadside assistance.  For any road assistance call the Sheriff’s non-emergency # 435-867-7500.

Each year Winter brings challenging weather & road issues.  Please note the following reminders and be prepared to navigate difficult Winter road conditions.

  1. Use 4WD/AWD at all times. Note County signs at the beginning of Green Lakes road at the bottom of the hill where the asphalt and gravel road meet.

  2. Use tire chains or snow tires rated for ice during all snow periods as needed.

  3. REFRAIN from pulling any type of trailer during the wet months (November-April). This includes trailers intended for construction or recreation.

  4. We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE any new or continued construction/building during the wet months (Nov-April) as stated in our CH Homeowner’s Construction requirements! All types of construction vehicles such as work trucks, trailers, heavy equipment, concrete trucks, sub-contractor vehicles, etc. have proven to cause excessive damage to the roads and the necessary repairs have resulted in a deficit budget for your HOA.

  5. NO parking on the main road or community roads of any kind (CH Home Owner’s Construction requirements) OR blocking driveways. This can result in road blockages to other members, emergency vehicles or the snow plow!

  6. Many full-time residents use a 2-car system during snow. One vehicle is parked on Greens Lake Drive asphalt at the bottom of the hill.  A second vehicle is equipped with chains & shuttled back & forth to their residence.

  7. Pole markers are strongly suggested at driveways(red) and culverts(blue) to prevent snowplow damage. The HOA is in no way responsible for damage to property, culverts or vehicles for any reason.

  8. It is our Member’s responsibility to fully inform all visitors (friends, family, business, contractors) of these reminders to ensure they are prepared to navigate the difficult winter road conditions properly.

  9. Do not call or expect the HOA Board to provide emergency roadside assistance.  For any road assistance call the Sheriff’s non-emergency # 435-867-7500.
Driveway Snow Removal

For those members who want their driveways plowed, our new excavation vendor, Tractor Works Inc., has stated they are willing to perform this service. 
If you are interested,  please contact Joe Portelese. His company is Tractor Works Inc.
The email is: tractorworksutah@gmail.com
.  He prefers that you email him with work to be done as soon as possible so he can fit you in his schedule.
Here is detailed information from Tractor Works regarding snow removal procedures:

The HOA Board asks members to refrain from contacting Tractor Works Inc. with any complaints or issues about snow removal on the roads.  Please direct  any concerns or comments to: roads@cedarhighlandshoa.org   A member of the Roads Committee  will then address concerns directly with the contractor.